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Saying Hello & Goodbye

Updated: Aug 29

The beginning and end of the day are very busy times in the centre. There are a few things that help this time go smoothly for everyone:

Morning strategies

It always feels like your day starts off better when you’re able to leave with your child happily settled at play. It’s really hard to walk away when your child is upset. We understand, and the team is very skilled at the art of distraction.

Most often your child will be happy and content in play before you have even left the building. There are some tips that are helpful in setting your child up to start their day without upset when you need to leave.

  1. On the way to Magic Garden talk about what you’re going to do together before you leave, eg read one story, get settled to paint, feed the fish; and let the teachers know what you’ve decided so we can back you up.

  2. Have some photos of family members and special moments from home in your child’s portfolio for them to revisit when they’re thinking of you.

  3. Acknowledge with your child that it’s hard to say goodbye to the ones we love, but you know they’re going to have a fun day and they can be clever to wave and smile when you leave.

Signing in and out

This is a Ministry of Education requirement every day. It’s a good idea to make this your first port of call when you come into the centre so you don’t forget.

Going Home

Please say goodbye to at least one teacher before you leave for the day. It may not be appropriate to say farewell to all the teachers if they are talking to another family. Give your child clear cues that you are ready to go home now and that you expect them to follow you, teachers will back you up.


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